Astronomy News

Category News in Astronomy

A highlight of a paper appeared on on the topic of compact objects (black holes, white dwarfs or neutron stars).

Is There Anybody Out There?

How many times have we heard the question “are we alone in the Universe”? Does life exist somewhere else? Does intelligent life exist? There’s no need to introduce the topic, as countless discussions have been made through the centuries. Still,… Continue Reading →

Quantum Vortices in the Sky

Turbulence is a common chaotic phenomenon that everyone has certainly experienced: you witness the development of turbulence when you stir a coffee too vigorously or watch the smoke of a cigarette or feel the aeroplane going up and down. What… Continue Reading →

The Mutant Star

Accreting Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars are amazing objects (see also my research page in the section “Accreting Millisecond X-ray pulsars”). They are neutron stars that orbit around a relatively small star like our Sun or less massive and eat gas from… Continue Reading →

Do Mid-sized Black Holes Exist?

We know that black holes exist in Nature with at least two different sizes: super-massive ones, that live in the centre of galaxies and stellar-mass black holes. The origin and evolution of these two types of black hole are very… Continue Reading →

The Clouds Around the Monster

Neutron stars are few kilometres sized objects that come to life when a massive star dies in a devastating supernova explosion. A few months ago a very peculiar neutron star has been discovered in an even more peculiar location of… Continue Reading →

First Black Hole Mass and Spin Measured with Timing

Imagine having a black hole spinning around a normal companion star like our Sun. At some point of its evolution, the black hole can start removing and devouring matter from the outer layers of its companion star, in a process… Continue Reading →

This is our (i.e., Caroline D’Angelo and I) new paper submitted for publication to The Astrophysical Journal and posted on the astro-ph archive (; update: it’s now accepted: ApJ 771, 94).

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