Radiative Processes (year 2014-2015)
Lecturer: Alessandro Patruno & Rowin Meijerink
The “Grade” for the final exam is calculated already with the 30%-70% average rule. If the exam score was higher than the average score of your in-class tests then we have kept the exam score as the final (provisional) grade.
The retake score instead is calculated without considering the in-class tests.
Download Final Grades Retake 2 (24/3/2015)
Download Final Grades Retake (29/01/2015)
Download Final Grades (22/12/2014)
On this page, you’ll find material for the course “Radiative Processes“, developed for the Bachelor in Astronomy at the Leiden University in the year 2014.
Textbook: Radiative Processes in High Energy Astrophysics
NOTE (24 November 2011): The exercises nr. 8 and their solutions had the wrong file associated. Please re-download them to be sure to have the most up-to-date version.
IMPORTANT NOTE (Wed. 10 Sept.): I’ve changed the link to the textbook above which now points to a new version of the book with several typos corrected. Please use this second version from now on.
Week 1: Introduction part I
- Slides: lecture1 (08.09.2014).
- Exercises 1 (10.09.2014)
- Material Covered from Textbook: Sections 1.1-1.7.
Week 2: Introduction part II
- Test1 (15.09.2014)
- Material Covered from Textbook: Sections 1.8-1.10
- Exercises 2 (15.09.2014)
Week 3: Thermal Radiation and Diffusion Approximation
- Test 2 (20.09.2014)
- Material Covered from Textbook: Sections 1.11, 2.2
- Extra material: Rosseland approximation (Notes from Markus Böttcher)
- Extra material: Thermal radiation (Section 1.5 from Rybicki & Lightman book “Radiative Processes in Astrophysics”)
- Lecture 3 (Slides)
- Exercises 3
Week 4: Retarded potentials, Bremsstrahlung
- Test 3 (27.09.2014)
- Material Covered from Textbook: Sections 1.13, 2.1.
- Extra material: Derivation of Larmor’s formula
- Lecture 4 (Slides)
- Exercises 4
- RESULTS TEST 3 (+ summary of previous tests)
Week 5: Special Relativity
- Test4 (06.10.2014)
- Material Covered from Textbook: the whole Chapter 3, except 3.2.9.
- Extra material (not compulsory and only for reading): Terrell’s 1959 paper on the invisibility of Lorentz contraction
- Slides (in pdf) and in pptx (with animations)
- …and…”A Slower Speed of Light“, the coolest video-game ever (relatively speaking)
- Exercises 5
- RESULTS TEST 4 (+ summary)
Week 6: Synchrotron Radiation I
- Test 5 (13.10.2014)
- Material Covered from Textbook: Chapter 4 up to 4.3.2 (included).
- Slides Lecture 6 (pdf)
- RESULTS TEST 5 (+ summary)
- Exercises 6
Week 7: Synchrotron Radiation II
- Test 6.
- Material Covered from Textbook: Chapter 4 until the end, except Section 4.6 (left only to read).
- Slides Lecture 7 (pdf).
- Very intuitive Fourier Transform Applet (not shown in class, but play with it!).
- Mathematica applet on Maxwell Distribution.
- To see if you can catch M1 (Crab Nebula) with your telescope/binocular, try this skymap.
- Exercises 7
Week 8: Compton Scattering I
- Test 7
- Material Covered from Textbook: Ghisellini 5.1 – 5.4; Rybicki & Lightman 3.4, 7.1, and 7.2
- Slides Lecture 8 (pdf)
Week 9: Compton Scattering II
- Test 8
- Material Covered From Textbook: Ghisellini 5.5
- Slides Lecture 9
- Visualizing GRBs, SNe and Pulsars
- Exercises 8
Week 10: Compton Scattering III
- Test 9
- Material Covered from Textbook: Ghisellini 5.6-5.7
- Slides Lecture 10
- Notes on the Wien Distribution (only to read for those of you interested)
- Exercises 9
Week 11: Atomic and Molecular Lines
- Test 10
- Slides: Introduction — Atomic Lines — Broadening — Molecular Lines
- Material Covered: Radiative Excitation (pdf) — Collisional Excitation (pdf)
- Exercises 10
Week 12: Mock Exam
- Mock Exam
- Summary (check also Radiative and Collisional Excitation on Week 11)
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