Triggered by the idea of J. Hessel while I was working at ASTRON, I decided to create a new pulsar catalog that includes all radio, gamma, and accreting millisecond pulsars known. The list is updated but of course omissions and… Continue Reading →
Nowadays astronomical data is recorded in two ways. Either remotely, for example with space telescopes, or in ground based observatories. In the latter case however, astronomers do not usually perform the observation by themselves, but they propose which object (and… Continue Reading →
I am mostly an observer working in the field of high energy astrophysics, doing experiments and performing observations with space and ground-based telescopes. However, once in a while I also like very much to use numerical codes to solve complex… Continue Reading →
Accreting Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars are amazing objects (see also my research page in the section “Accreting Millisecond X-ray pulsars”). They are neutron stars that orbit around a relatively small star like our Sun or less massive and eat gas from… Continue Reading →
We know that black holes exist in Nature with at least two different sizes: super-massive ones, that live in the centre of galaxies and stellar-mass black holes. The origin and evolution of these two types of black hole are very… Continue Reading →
Neutron stars are few kilometres sized objects that come to life when a massive star dies in a devastating supernova explosion. A few months ago a very peculiar neutron star has been discovered in an even more peculiar location of… Continue Reading →
Imagine having a black hole spinning around a normal companion star like our Sun. At some point of its evolution, the black hole can start removing and devouring matter from the outer layers of its companion star, in a process… Continue Reading →
Scientific discoveries can be divided, very broadly speaking, into four categories: major serendipitous discoveries, major discoveries that happen within a well known theoretical framework, major discoveries achieved by following unconventional ideas and minor incremental discoveries that most commonly are made… Continue Reading →
Whoever has undertaken an academic career knows one very basic truth: it’s very difficult if not impossible to have a permanent position in the same University where you earned your Ph.D. Changing the working environment, especially for those who aim… Continue Reading →
Astronomy is a very fast evolving science and astronomers have always been at the forefront when using the latest web technologies. We astronomers use the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), a great bibliographic database that contains an enormous amount of… Continue Reading →
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