At the very center of our galaxy lives a gigantic black hole with a mass more than four million times that of the Sun. The existence of such an immense monster does not constitute an anomaly in our Universe but rather… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago Stephen Hawking released a paper discussing the black hole information paradox that triggered an intense debate in the scientific community and had a large impact on the public. I have discussed his paper on this blog… Continue Reading →
We know that black holes exist in Nature with at least two different sizes: super-massive ones, that live in the centre of galaxies and stellar-mass black holes. The origin and evolution of these two types of black hole are very… Continue Reading →
Neutron stars are few kilometres sized objects that come to life when a massive star dies in a devastating supernova explosion. A few months ago a very peculiar neutron star has been discovered in an even more peculiar location of… Continue Reading →
Imagine having a black hole spinning around a normal companion star like our Sun. At some point of its evolution, the black hole can start removing and devouring matter from the outer layers of its companion star, in a process… Continue Reading →
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