Astronomy News

Author apatruno

Life in the Solar System and Beyond

One of the most difficult problems that science still needs to solve is the question of the origin of life. We have very strong evidence that life emerged on Earth around 3.7 billion years ago when our planet was less… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Pluto

After a long journey of 9 years in the solar system, the New Horizons spacecraft has conducted the first in-situ reconnaissance of Pluto. Our solar system is made by rocky planets like the Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury that populate its inner regions,… Continue Reading →

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 38,000 times in 2014. If it were a… Continue Reading →

Lightweight and Supermassive Black Holes Hidden in Galaxies

In the past few days, there has been two interesting astrophysics news about black holes. The first one is about a super-massive black hole discovered in an ultra-compact dwarf galaxy. Such galaxies are tiny (both in mass and size) when… Continue Reading →

Detecting the Sound of Neutron Stars

If a sound propagates and bounces off an object, its wiggly echo brings signatures of the physical properties of that object . Bats, dolphins and other cetaceans are famous for using this principle, named echolocation, to chase prey and identify objects… Continue Reading →

The Millisecond Pulsar Catalogue has been updated: 65 pulsar ephemeris updated, 3 new pulsar added. Total pulsars: 353.

The Millisecond Pulsar Catalogue has been updated: 65 pulsar ephemeris updated, 1 new pulsar added. Total pulsars: 350 (NOTE: 351–> 350 as one pulsar was redundant).

The Super-Massive Black Hole Stays on a Diet

At the very center of our galaxy lives a gigantic black hole with a mass more than four million times that of the Sun. The existence of such an immense monster does not constitute an anomaly in our Universe but rather… Continue Reading →

The Millisecond Pulsar Catalogue has been updated: 65 pulsar ephemeris updated, 0 new pulsars added.

The Millisecond Pulsar Catalogue has been updated: 65 pulsar ephemeris updated, 0 new pulsars added.

What Are Neutron Stars Made Of?

The wonderful discovery of the Higgs boson announced at CERN in July 2012, has represented another big leap forward for the Standard Model of particle physics that explains how elementary particles behave in the microscopic world. The Large Hadron Collider, the… Continue Reading →

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