If a sound propagates and bounces off an object, its wiggly echo brings signatures of the physical properties of that object . Bats, dolphins and other cetaceans are famous for using this principle, named echolocation, to chase prey and identify objects… Continue Reading →
The 10th edition of the conference “The Physics of Neutron Stars” will be held this summer (July 28 – August 1) in St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Petersburg is a beautiful city with a great history and is home to the Ioffe… Continue Reading →
The last weeks have been very exciting for neutron star astrophysics. In particular, there is news that has the potential to strongly change the way we think about neutron stars.
As publicized on this blog, last Friday I attended the 3rd Dutch Gravitational Wave Meeting. I followed the event on my Twitter account and this post is a summary about the most exciting news discussed during the day. Below you… Continue Reading →
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