Astronomy News

Author apatruno

The Physics of Neutron Stars

The 10th edition of the conference “The Physics of Neutron Stars” will be held this summer (July 28 – August 1) in St. Petersburg, Russia.  St. Petersburg is a beautiful city with a great history and is home to the Ioffe… Continue Reading →

Rethinking Neutron Stars

The last weeks have been very exciting for neutron star astrophysics. In particular, there is news that has the potential to strongly change the way we think about neutron stars.

Did a Meteorite Almost Hit a Skydiver?

Update (09-Apr): It seems that the rock in the parachute hypothesis has now been accepted as the correct explanation. One of the video-makers believes so too. Here a summary from the Dutch (in Dutch!). Today I watched an astonishing… Continue Reading →

A new major update has been done on the millisecond pulsar catalogue. We count now 350 radio millisecond pulsars and 15 accreting millisecond pulsars.  Updates will (hopefully) be made every first of the month.  

Cosmic Inflation and Primordial Gravitational Waves

Two days ago the BICEP2 collaboration has made an astonishing announcement: the first direct evidence of cosmic inflation has been found.

The Deadly Spider Has Been Found!

A few days ago (Feb. 5th) I wrote a post about a special source, named XSS J12270-4859, a cryptic name behind a binary system composed of a neutron star and a normal companion star slightly less massive than our Sun.

Black Hole Information Paradox: Firewalls or Chaos?

A few weeks ago Stephen Hawking released a paper discussing the black hole information paradox that triggered an intense debate in the scientific community and had a large impact on the public. I have discussed his paper on this blog… Continue Reading →

3rd Dutch Gravitational Wave Meeting: A Summary

As publicized on this blog, last Friday I attended the 3rd Dutch Gravitational Wave Meeting. I followed the event on my Twitter account and this post is a summary about the most exciting news discussed during the day. Below you… Continue Reading →

Gravitational Wave Meeting

In this blog I post news about my research or discuss news in astrophysics that involve compact objects, i.e., black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs. I’ve now decided to start a new experiment and post summaries of fresh information… Continue Reading →

A Deadly Spider in Disguise

My colleagues and I have recently studied a new peculiar binary system (XSS J12270-4859) formed by a neutron star and a low mass star that can be found in the constellation Centaurus, in the southern hemisphere. Our recent work, lead… Continue Reading →

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